Mi conexión a internet está fallando más de lo acostumbrado, a ver si ahora hay suerte y puede añadir la entrada...
No es difícil encontrarse cada día con algún que otro ejemplo de estupidez. En los correos electrónicos que recibimos de los amigos, en las típicas noticias de relleno de los periódicos gratuitos y como no podía ser de otra manera, en el trabajo. He perdido casi toda la tarde en un estéril intercambio de correos con un tipo que lo menos que se puede pensar de él es que es estúpido, ya que hace gala de una estupidez supina. No voy a entrar en detalles porque sería largo y aburrido y no merece la pena.
Eso si, creo que acabaré comprándome una camiseta como la de la imagen para utilizarla de vez en cuando.
Al menos hay algo bueno en todo esto y es que me sirve como excusa para añadir una canción de Aimee Mann de su disco I'm with stupid.
Aimme Mann - You're With Stupid Now
I don't know how to break the news, but
It's pretty clear you'll be asked to choose between
What you lack and what you excuse in this
Tug of war
You can't say that they didn't warn you
Though you'd rather that they just ignore you
'Cause your devices are not working for you
What you want
You don't know
You're with stupid now
You don't know how to manufacture
Sturdy bones with a hairline fracture
The crazy will of a Margaret Thatcher that
They've all got
And though you pay for the hands they're shaking
The speeches and the mistakes they're making
As they struggle with the undertaking of
Simple thought
What you want
You don't know
You're with stupid now
What you know
You don't want to know
You're with stupid now
What you want
You don't know
You're with stupid now
What you know
You don't want to know
You're with stupid now
So on with the show
It's pretty clear you'll be asked to choose between
What you lack and what you excuse in this
Tug of war
You can't say that they didn't warn you
Though you'd rather that they just ignore you
'Cause your devices are not working for you
What you want
You don't know
You're with stupid now
You don't know how to manufacture
Sturdy bones with a hairline fracture
The crazy will of a Margaret Thatcher that
They've all got
And though you pay for the hands they're shaking
The speeches and the mistakes they're making
As they struggle with the undertaking of
Simple thought
What you want
You don't know
You're with stupid now
What you know
You don't want to know
You're with stupid now
What you want
You don't know
You're with stupid now
What you know
You don't want to know
You're with stupid now
So on with the show
¡Me gusta esta canción! (TT). Tiene un tonito de "amiquemeimportaloquemecuentas" ¡so imbecil! susceptible de aplicar a todas las ocasiones estúpidas que presenciamos.